What our Customers are saying ...
"I wanted to let everyone know the AppMetrics is working wonderfully. It is monitoring our systems for hung components 7x24 and gives us automatic recovery. These hangs have been costing us real dollars."
"By using AppMetrics, the availability of the application has increased by several percentage points. Considering for every one percentage point of additional availability 1000 man-hours of down-time are saved--this has resulted in millions of dollars in improved efficiency throughout our organization."
"... it is an utterly fabulous product, in fact the best I have ever seen."
"FYI - I showed the AppMetrics power!"
"Thank you so much guys, the tool is really amazing and the support is soo perfect! I will continue evaluating it and im going to show the results to everyone :)"
"Excellent software, excellent team"
"AppMetrics is 100% usefull ... CPU, Ram, transaction, methods... all "performances" counts are right"
"Xtremesoft is the only company that translates application logic metrics into business performance information."
"You guys are awesome! In less than 5 minutes, these drilldown reports traced the exact component and method that were giving me trouble - we saved weeks."
"We've been very pleased with the information we've been able to gather from the AppMetrics software and it's lead us to make several code changes before the deployment of our next software release - so this has already proved to be valuable."
"I'm a developer engineer, and diagnostics information are very precise."
"I can say that they surely LOVED the tool and saw that it would be really a great help for them."
"We accomplished a BIG performance gain - the final code runs 7 times faster (about 14%) than the original one."
"Each operation originally was taking 5,420,3 ms. After we adjusted the code (following the tips from AppMetrics and DevPartner); each operation took 781,5 ms. It's an amazing result - the original code was about 700% slower compared to the final one!"
"The performance and flexibility of the Microsoft's COM+ framework together with Xtremesoft's AppMetrics application monitoring tool provides INVESCO Australia the tools required to build quality enterprise applications."
"No technical assistance needed (no problem since using SQL Server 2000 instead MSDE 2000), no problem with monitoring and agent deployment."
"AppMetrics for Transactions is the only product to provide this level of detail."
"AppMetrics is a great tool, efficiency ! Very Good reports sheets, graphics and tables"
"Today was a problem that is very common but today was different AppMetrics was here ready and we caught some metrics."
"I really liked your tool...There are a lot of companies in Sweden that should need your tool."
"I really appreciate all of the follow up and help you and your team have provided - very impressive and if this is indicative of the way you treat existing customers I would definitely have no problems recommending your product."
"A great MOM complement."
"Thanks a lot guys....impressive work."
"Thanks for all your ongoing support btw...you guys are absolutely one of the best vendors I've worked with!"
"Again, thank you very much for your support and thanks to your team. The customer service being provided is top drawer!"
"I think your product is great and I appreciate the contribution of XtremeSoft to compliment and add value to our software for developers."
"The best COM+ 'manager'"